Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Feature articles

Man uses hand to interrupt chain of dominoes from falling

Support for parents essential to mental illness prevention

28 April 2022
‘Joining forces to prevent mental health conditions,’ reads the tag line of Prevention United. ‘Australia needs a new approach to mental health and wellbeing.’ 

Mental Health Victoria's 22 State Budget recommendations

28 April 2022
The announcement of the Victorian State Budget 2022 is imminent. Mental Health Victoria has just 22 things to ask.
Young women in denim jackets with their arms around each other's backs

The Crucial Network: How a small investment can make a big difference in youth mental health

28 April 2022
On its face, the idea of a Clinical Trial Network (CTN) might not sound like blockbuster material. But Angela Scheppokat’s excitement on the subject is infectious. 
Charlotte Jones of the Mental Health Legal Centre stands in front of a garden in West Melbourne

Mental Health Legal Centre rises to pandemic’s challenge

21 April 2022
For the Mental Health Legal Centre (MHLC) in Melbourne, the COVID-19 pandemic was a setback, yes. But it was also a catalyst for continued evolution.
Overlapping rainbow coloured loops. Cover from Rainbow Tick guide

LGBTIQA+ funding: A small investment for major health outcomes

19 April 2022

Rainbow Health Australia’s Jackson Fairchild isn’t hesitant on their stance: “All LGBTIQA+ Victorians deserve the freedom to choose the mental health service that is right for them.